
<p>The studied area is located in the Serra da Leba, Humpata Plateau, the most central and elevated sector of the great Huila Plateau (southwest of Angola). Here a thick volcano-sedimentary sequence of Proterozoic age emerges, known as Chela Group, unconformably overlies Eburnean and pre-Eburnean granitoids. This sequence is covered in disconformity by the Leba Formation, consisting of clay, cherts and black dolomitic limestones with stromatolites.</p><p>In the area, in particular on the Leba EN280 road, outcrops have been inventoried and characterized which by its geological content can be defined as geosites: 1) Small quarry of clay in Humpata Plateau; 2) Old lime oven of Leba; 3) Viewpoint of Serra da Leba; 4) Slope of the first curve of the Leba Road; 5) Slope of the third loop of the Leba Road; 6) Reverse fault in granitoid rock; 7) Dolerites curve; 8) Ductile simple shear zone. The high scientific, didactic and aesthetic value of these outcrops justifies their integration in a geo-educational itinerary, contributing to the enhancement and awareness of the Serra da Leba's geological heritage, for its promotion and scientific and educational dissemination. A quantitative assessement of the selected sites to be classified as geosites that must be preserved (integration in a geoconservation strategy) will be purpose.</p>

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