
Mangrove ecosystem has ecological roles as habitats for many organism and also minimizing the effects of sea water abration in Labombo shoreline. However, marine tourism area in Labombo beach potentially change that ecological roles. So, it is important to monitore the ecosystem quality for maintaning sustainability of ecosyetem. This study aimed to determine the quality of ecosystems using macrozoobenthos community structure as a bioindicator. The sample was taken from three station using transect and cuadrant methods. The samples then stored in 70% alcohol bottle and indentified based on morphological characteristic in laboratory. 14 spesices of macrozoobenthos were identified in study area. The data showed that Shannon Wiener diversity index (H’) was 2,44; Eveness index was 0,91; and Dominance index was 0,10. Based on Shannon Wiener cathegory, the macrozoobenthos diversity in study area was moderate and indicate that the ecosystem was stable.

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