
The Devonian outcrops of the Azrou-Khenifra Basin are located in the eastern band of the Moroccan Central Massif. They are characterized by a high geodiversity since they show sedimentary, stratigraphic, paleontological, tectonic and geomorphological aspects. Those outcrops allow the understanding of the evolution and geodynamic of the area during the Devonian. This proves their relevant in term of scientific value. In addition, they also have educational and touristic interests. The objectives of this work are making the inventory and quantitative assessment as well as the mapping of nine Devonian geosites. To approach the topic, the method proposed by Brilha (2016) have been used which based on qualitative and quantitative criteria. The results show that the geosite Famennian zebra griottes limestones of Ziyar has the highest scientific value (345) while the others are characterized by scientific, educational and tourist values ranging from moderate to high. Regarding the degradation risk, the geosites have a low value. This work could be considered as the base of any geoconservation strategy and geotourism action plan in the area since it focused on the two first steps of it. This may help improve the sustainable development through the establishment of geopark consequently and enhance economical level of people living the Azrou-Khenifra area.

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