
The Malassezia species are dimorphic fungi that require lipids such as olive oil for their growth. They are constituents of the normal human skin microbiota and can affix to the host or other surfaces through the establishment of biofilms. Malassezia species are accountable for superficial mycoses like folliculitis. Additionally, they are capable of causing invasive infections, such as of the bloodstream, in neonates and immunocompromised patients, albeit infrequently. Catheter-associated bloodstream infections in neonates are the most commonly reported invasive cases. Remarkably, unlike other invasive fungal infections, neutropenia and the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics do not seem to contribute to the risk of invasive Malassezia infections. Nosocomial outbreaks of Malassezia infections have been reported. While most cases of invasive Malassezia infection are fungemia, they seldom give rise to disseminated lesions in various organs. The diagnosis can be confirmed by the visualization of characteristic yeasts through histologic or cytologic examination of a biopsy or needle aspiration specimen, or via positive culture results from sterile sites. The prognosis for invasive Malassezia infection is generally favorable, with few reports of treatment failure. Nevertheless, due to the limited number of cases, evidence-based treatment recommendations are wanting. Management of invasive Malassezia infections linked to central venous catheters includes removal of the catheter, cessation of intravenous lipid emulsion, and intravenous administration of appropriate antifungal agents.

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