
The invasive alien plant species of Palamau Tiger Reserve (PTR), Jharkhand and their native range is worked out. A total of 163 invasive alien plant species belonging to 122 genera and 47 families were found. These include 142 herbs, 13 shrubs, 05 climbers and 03 trees. In terms of number of species, Family Asteraceae with 30 species is most dominant followed by Poaceae (19 species) and Amaranthaceae (10 species). The species like Ageratum conyzoides L., Cassia tora L., Eupatorium odoratum L., Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit., Lantana camara L., Parthenium hysterophorus L., Sida acuta Burm.f. and Tridax procumbens L. are most dominant in terms of ground cover, habitat degradation and impact on other plants. Most of these species belong to tropical and subtropical native range including old world countries. These invasive species are important threat to endemic flora due to their wide range of adaptability and fast regeneration. They are colonizing to new habitats including grasslands. Due to dominating nature the palatable herbaceous species are diminishing from their natural habitats. This invasion also increases the recurring cost of grassland maintenance and affects the wildlife management.

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