
The article touches upon the problem of stylistic status of the review. Its invariant in the media in modern forms optimizes the effective model of analytics in public communication. The author’s thesis is based on the argumentation of the contrasting nature of the modern media review (as an object of analysis) in relation to its traditional varieties – scientific and literary-critical. It is explained by the dynamic functional resource of new media represented in the Internet, social networks, etc. The openness of their communicative boundaries expands the category of authorship, when a potential reviewer is not necessarily a specialist (which is typical for scientific review), but a real recipient of information. Such extralinguistic dominants of the media review are qualified as one of the genre-creating factors resulting in the systematic selection of relevant constructions. In accordance with the research tasks, a thesis is formulated regarding the change of the professional context of the review in the media, which is supplemented by the means of individual emotional and expressive evaluation, verbalized by units of different language levels. It is determined that the genre nature of the media review relies on the analytical resource of verbalizing the author’s – not professional – opinion regarding the object of review. Appropriate reflection, taking into account the mass media context of its functioning and the extralinguistic factor of the audience, involves the use of commonly used vocabulary, phraseology, paraphrases, epithets, optimal, special syntactic models, etc. – as communicative markers of assessment. The investigation of linguostylistics of the media review results in its identification as a meta-genre, which, assuming the analytical principle of informing, is based on a certain recommended evaluation of a message, book, film, concert, event, etc., and can be designed in accordance with the communicative dominant of genres, actual for different media segments –review, post in social networks, extended comment, rticle, etc. The formulated and commented ambiguity and debatability of the genre-stylistic status of the media review determines the actual and perspective problems of further professional studies in the field of media genreology.

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