
The article presents the author’s theoretical justification for the need to develop targeted programs for the formation of Russian identity in educational organizations. At the same time, taking as a given the multicultural nature of Russian society, the author seeks to determine the invariant part of such programs. The purpose of the article is to determine the invariant component of the development of targeted programs for the formation of Russian identity in educational organizations. The methodology was compiled by sociocultural and systemic approaches to the analysis of pedagogical phenomena and based on the main non-pedagogical concepts of the identity of foreign and domestic researchers. The leading methods were analyze, generalization, interpretation of the results of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical research, mass and author pedagogical practice, modeling individual positions of the concept of the pedagogical process of forming the Russian personality identity. Attention is drawn to the fact that modern pedagogy (if it wants to be modern) is fundamentally important to determine the set of pedagogically significant ha-racterists of Russian identity, which will allow you to design the pedagogical process of its formation and indicate pedagogical permissible means and possible risks of its scientific and methodological support. The interdependence and mutual influence of the processes of development (main) and formation (accompanying) leads to objective limitations of pedagogical interventions. In order to improve the professional detail of pedagogical teams within the framework of the formation of the Russian identity of students, the structure of the modular program for the formation of Russian identity in educational organizations is proposed for discussion.

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