
This report aims to describe a case of colic intussusception, type one, in a crossbreed cow. The clinical findings included dehydration, anorexia, apathy and ruminal hypomotility, besides a swelling in the right flank. On rectal palpation was not observed intestinal distension or presence of liquid, but the animal presented significant discomfort. The feces were blackened, with a putrid odor and presence of mucus. The complete blood count showed only a small increase in segmented neutrophils, without evidence of hemoconcentration or alterations in erythrocytes and leukocytes count. After clinical examination it was decided perform an exploratory laparotomy, where it was possible to observe the presence of fibrin and rupture of intestine. The corrective surgery was performed through bowel resection and subsequent anastomosis. Due to the severity of the case, the animal died one day after surgery. The diagnosis was based on clinical, laboratory and exploratory laparotomy. Keywords: Digestive disorders, intestinal obstruction, exploratory laparotomy.

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