
Intrusion detection system (IDS) is one of the essential security mechanisms against attacks in WSN. Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) generally uses the classification techniques in order to obtain the best possible accuracy and attack detection rate. In this paper, Intrusion Detection System is designed which uses two-stage hybrid classification method. In the first stage it uses Support Vector Machine (SVM) as anomaly detection, and in the second stage it uses Random Forest (RF)/Decision Tree (DT) as misuse. The abnormal activities are detected in the first stage. These abnormal activities are further analyzed and the known attacks are identified in the second stage and are classified as Denial of Service (DoS) attack, Probe attack, Remote to Local (R2L) attack and User to Root (U2R) attack. Simulation results reveal that the proposed hybrid algorithm obtains better accuracy and detection rate than the single classifier namely, SVM, RF and DT algorithm. The experimental results also shows that hybrid algorithm can detect anomaly activity in a reliable way. Proposed technique uses the standard NSL KDD dataset to evaluate/calculate the performance of the proposed approach. Here the results show that the proposed Hybrid SVM-RF/DT IDS technique performs better in terms of detection rate, accuracy and recall than the existing SVM, RF and DT approaches.

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