
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast-expanding network of smart heterogeneous objects. It refers to the physical devices that are capable of communicating with other physical devices. Unlike the wireless sensor networks (WSNs), IoT is connected to worldwide Internet that exposes it to global intrusion in addition to wireless attacks inside an IoT network. It is protected by cryptographic and network security techniques, but they are vulnerable to internal and external attacks. The IoT devices are resource constrained in terms of limited storage, battery, limited transmission range and processing. To protect these tiny devices from the inside and outside cyberattacks, we need a lightweight security system that can run efficiently and effectively on these IoT devices. We also need a system, which can identify the type of intrusion and trigger an alarm in intrusion scenario to take appropriate preventive measure. Hence, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) plays an important role to prevent such cyberattacks in IoT. These devices can be static or mobile in an IoT environment; this must be considered while designing IDS for IoT system. This book chapter presents various IDSs for an IoT system and their comparisons in terms of detection rate, false positive and accuracy in both static and mobility of devices.

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