
Acute adult epiglottitis is a potentially life threatening infectious and respiratory emergency as it may result in airway obstruction. Endotracheal intubation, if needed, is a highly risky option in this situation and responsible for important morbidity and mortality rate. The option of a pharmaceutical anti-oedematous treatment, in order to avoid the risks involved in the endotracheal route has rarely been described. We here report the case of a 50-year-old man with a serious acute infectious epiglottitis who was treated at home by a Mobile Intensive Care Unit where a treatment of nebulized epinephrine and intravenous steroids was undoubtedly a successful option to the endotracheal route. So that, for adult patients and in the absence of any risk of an imminent respiratory arrest, this anti-oedematous treatment should be considered in order to avoid endotracheal route, an option which should be undertaken in case of complications. Nevertheless, this isolated case study concerning an adult is not transposable to children for which airway obstruction tolerance is lower.

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