
Nucleotide sequences of four tRNA genes from the archaebacteriumSulfolobus solfataricus have been determined. Based upon DNA sequence analysis, three of the four genes contain presumptive intervening sequences (introns) in their anticodon loops. The three introns can form similar, but not identical, secondary structures. The cleavage site at the 3′ end of all three introns occurs in a three-base bulge loop. All four genes lack an encoded 3′ CCA terminus and are flanked by A+T-rich DNA sequences. Two of the genes are located on antiparallel DNA strands, with their 3′ termini separated by 414 bp of sequence. Including two previously published sequences, a total of five introns have now been detected among sixS. solfataricus tRNA genes. Occurrence of introns at corresponding locations in both archaebacterial and eukaryotic tRNA genes suggests that the intron/exon form of gene structure predates the evolutionary divergence of the archaebacteria and the eukaryotes.

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