
One of the continuing ironies of Karl Marx’ works is that, though he comes out of an extremely complex and rich intellectual tradition, he offers us little direct insight into the philosophical foundations of his own methodology in his critique of political economy. The heart of this book will be devoted to the investigation of the epistemological and methodological foundations of Marx’ political economy with special emphasis on his later economic writings in the Grundrisse and Capital. Capital in particular, will be examined as his response to certain epistemological and meta-theoretical dilemmas raised and developed in the philosophical tradition of German Idealism, which he then incorporates into his own critique of liberal capitalism.KeywordsPolitical EconomySocial TheoryPhilosophical FoundationSocial CritiqueCritical MethodThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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