
In the UK the market for retail financial services is a dynamic, fiercely competitive and complex sector of the economy; one in which strategic, marketing and tactical changes are of fundamental importance. In contrast to wholesale markets in which big business, governments and institutions borrow, lend and invest, the retail financial services ‘high street’ sector provides individuals with a proliferation of financial products or services, which may be categorized as follows: Cash transmission services: cheque accounts, travellers cheques, ATMs, EFTPOS, foreign exchange, credit cards. Borrowing services: (a) unsecured loans; personal loans and overdrafts; (b) home loans; endowment and repayment mortgages. Personal savings and investment: (a) savings accounts; sight and time deposits; (b) investments; national savings, unit trusts, securities, life assurance, managed accounts. Other financial services: advice, legal and fiduciary services, insurance, pensions. (See Tables 1.1(a), 1.1(b) and 1.2.) KeywordsFinancial ServiceHigh StreetBuilding SocietyNational SavingHome LoanThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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