
Abstract What makes us human? Why do humans deal with the world in the ways that we do? The usual answer is that it is our intelligence. When it comes to intelligence, we believe we are special. When it comes to motivation, we believe we are basically the same as other animals. But human motivation is also special. This book describes why human motivation is special and how it makes us who we are. Humans want to experience that their feelings, beliefs, and concerns are shared by others. They want to experience that what matters to them about the world—what objects, events, and issues are worthy of attention—also matters to other people. And what humans share with others is what they experience to be real. It is a shared reality. Our shared reality motivation defines who we are. It is the best of us and the worst of us. On the one hand, our shared realities connect us to close others, create common interests, and make life meaningful. They become the truth about what to feel and what to believe. On the other hand, because of this, we distrust, and even fear, the members of any other group who have different shared realities. For better and worse, our shared realities profoundly affect our everyday lives: how we feel, what we know, our attitudes and opinions, our sense of self, what we strive for and how we strive, and how we get along with others.

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