
Many people have read Mill and one hopes that many more will. Political theorists are regular Mill readers. That they belong to a specific category of readers might lead to the conclusion that political theorists will read Mill in largely the same way. I once thought this. But I was wrong. Political theorists do not read Mill in the same way. This is one result of the co-existence of systematically different conceptions of political theory (and, as a result, what it is to be a political theorist). Some political theorists rarely, if ever, read Mill or others like him because of their conception of political theory. This book is an exploration of different ways of reading Mill that reflect different conceptions of what it is to be a political theorist.KeywordsPolitical TheoryPolitical TheoristSingle ConceptionGovernment OwnershipTheorist ReadThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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