
This issue of the International Journal of Quantum and Computational Chemistry consists of contributions coming from the 12th V.A. Fock Meeting on Quantum and Computational Chemstry held in Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan, Russia) located on the banks of the Wolga river from 19 to 23 October 2009. This was the annual meeting of the series of the V.A. Fock Meetings of which the first was held in December of the year 1998 in celebration of the 100-th anniversary of the birth of Prof. V.A. Fock of the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) University, whose works such as the ubiquitous Hartree–Fock approximation are central to physical chemistry and chemical physics. These Meetings are attended by the established researches as well as by younger scientists from leading reasearch centers of Russia. The 2009 meeting was attended by participants from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Bashkir State Universities, Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis of SB RAS (Novosibirsk), and many others. The Meetings of this Series are sponsored by the Scientific Council on Chemical Structure and Reactivity of RAS. The 2009 Meeting as the previous ones was also supported by the Section of Quantum and Computational Chemistry at the D.I. Mendeleev Chemical Society of Russia. Financial support for this activity comes from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 09-03-06076). The topic presented at the Fock Meeting range from theoretical foundations of quantum chemistry to its applications related to structure dynamics and reactivity and from diatomics to solid state and biomolecules. The applications involve small molecules as well as biomolecules and condensed-phase systems. This Meeting would be not possible without kind support and assistance of many people. Among them Prof. A.L. Buchachenko—the chairman of the Division for Computational Chemistry at the Mendeleev Society and the chairman of the RAS Council on Chemical Structure and Reactivity. Key roles were played by the Rector of the Kazan State technological University Prof. German S. D'yakonov and the chairman of the local Organizing Committee Prof. R.R. Nazmutdinov, whose solutions to all problems made the sessions of the Meeting successful and comfortable. Finally, Prof. Yngve Öhrn (Florida, USA) is acknowledged for his devotion in organizing the preparation and publication of these Proceedings in the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry.

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