
Introduction Rachel Bernstein (bio) [End Page 1] Over the last decade, China's presence on the global stage has shifted dramatically: the country is now an economic powerhouse and increasingly influential in international organizations. As China rises, questions also arise pertaining to its strategic objectives toward many regions and in many domains. China appears to be seeking a "loose, partial, and malleable" hegemony over the global South—making the African continent a strategic priority for Beijing.1 This Asia Policy roundtable is a result of a current research initiative at the National Bureau of Asian Research, "Into Africa: China's Emerging Strategy," which aims to better understand China's strategic ambitions in Africa and assess how the continent fits into China's envisioned global order. The first three reports in this project to date have examined China's expansion into Africa from Beijing's perspective, often relying on Chinese-language sources to draw conclusions and analyze China's strategy.2 Yet, only looking at Beijing's viewpoint to get a fuller grasp on China-Africa relations would be a gross oversight that would provide an incomplete impression of China's engagement with the continent. Africa is a continent with 54 countries and a population of more than 1.3 billion people. China's engagement with the continent, of course, does not have the same level of impact or influence in all these countries, and not all states share the same opinion regarding China's presence. This roundtable seeks to share, highlight, and examine African perspectives regarding China's engagement with and influence on the continent. The essays here provide both regional and functional case studies examining different facets of the China-Africa relationship from the perspective of African [End Page 2] states, ranging from medical diplomacy and infrastructure development to smart cities in Kenya and the Digital Silk Road to local responses to China's growing influence and image campaigns in Zambia and Mauritius. Cobus van Staden evaluates China's medical diplomacy as the Covid-19 pandemic becomes endemic. While China's mask diplomacy in the early phases of the pandemic was effective and garnered positive responses, its later vaccine diplomacy suffered setbacks. Although Beijing appeared to overpromise and underdeliver, he concludes that vaccine and medical diplomacy can be considered a diplomatic victory for China, compared to the West's disappointing and underwhelming response. Looking at another area of diplomacy and outreach, Mandira Bagwandeen discusses China's infrastructure investments and application of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in African countries as well as key outcomes from the Eighth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in November 2021. Amid accusations of debt-trap diplomacy and the financial pressures of the Covid-19 pandemic, she finds that China has demonstrated some willingness to negotiate debt-relief measures with African states. Discussions at FOCAC, however, indicated that China intends to begin re-directing its development assistance away from financing infrastructure development through large loans and toward trade facilitation. Also under the BRI umbrella is the Digital Silk Road, which is focused on improving states' infrastructure for information and communications technology and digital capabilities. As Ovigwe Eguegu explains, the Digital Silk Road is attractive to many African governments, including Ethiopia, Senegal, Gambia, and Zimbabwe, due to China's emphasis on digital sovereignty, which aligns with their development priorities. However, obstacles, such as a lack of digital infrastructure, still must be overcome before the Digital Silk Road becomes fully popularized in Africa. Bulelani Jili also addresses technology development in Africa, focusing particularly on smart cities in Kenya as a case study. He argues that China's "no strings attached" lending practices, especially for technology development, create opportunities for technology to be abused in societies where few data and privacy regulations exist. Jili asserts that it is not necessarily the sharing of the technologies that is worrisome, but the local governance conditions that can enable unjust surveillance practices in smart cities and using smart technologies. Obert Hodzi examines the effect of China's rise and presence in Africa on democracy and development, looking specifically at Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and Ethiopia. He argues that while China does not promote [End Page 3] its authoritarian model, by highlighting...

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