
Feminist theology has good reason to approach received Christian doctrines with a dose of healthy suspicion. Twentieth century feminist theology burst on the scene with a powerful critique of the patriarchal power relations that have shaped doctrine through the centuries. But Serene Jones nonetheless has referred to a subfield of feminist theology that continues to reimagine with Christian doctrines; these essays develop this subfield in the firm conviction that doctrine is more than an inert effect of the exercise of patriarchal power during the formative centuries of a colonial Western Christian tradition. Rather, theology is an ongoing journey of dialogue, reimagining and understanding; reimagining with doctrine unlocks, from its centuries of patriarchal constraint, the kingdom-infused power of Christianity, with its core tradition of a thirst for justice and righteousness. The feminist theologians who write in this collection of essays enter theological discourse with a determination to make sense of theology, humanity and the church.KeywordsFeminist TheoryBlack ChurchChristian DoctrineTheological DiscourseFeminist TheologyThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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