
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes 1. Our use of ‘ethnicity’ encompasses, but is not limited to phenotypical markers (race) as markers defining an ethnic group. It is informed by Schermerhorn Schermerhorn, R. A. 1970. Comparative Ethnic Relations, New York: Random House. [Google Scholar]'s (12) definition of an ethnic group as “a collectivity … having a real or putative common ancestry, memories of a shared historical past, a cultural focus on one or more symbolic elements defined as the epitome of their peoplehood … [such as one or a combination of] kinship patterns, … religious affiliation, language, … nationality, phenotypical features [– and] some consciousness of kind among members of the group”. 2. Who used secondary analysis of documents to support what is essentially a theoretical analysis. Additional informationNotes on contributorsSirma BilgeAn Assistant Professor of Sociology at Université de Montréal, Sirma Bilge is also the director of the Intersectionality Research Pole at the Centre for Ethnic Studies of Montreal Universities (CEETUM). Her work engages with articulations of gender, sexualities and ethnicity within the politics of nation and race. She is currently conducting research on matrimonial practices among young people from migrant background in MontrealAnn DenisAnn Denis is a Professor of Sociology at Université d'Ottawa, Canada. Her current and recent research examine the effect of state policies on women (and their work) in the Commonwealth Caribbean and among immigrants in Canada, the use of the Internet by minority young people in Barbados and francophone Ontario, and the effects of society-centred educational practices on women studying engineering. The ISA Handbook in Contemporary Sociology: Conflict, Competition, Cooperation(Sage), co-edited with D. Kalekin-Fishman is a recent publication. Presently a member of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association (2006–10), she was its Vice-President, Research (2002–2006) and remains an active member of its research committees on women (RC32) and on ethnicity (RC05)

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