
ABSTRACT Studying the practice of yoga and its relationship to body image, embodiment, and eating disorders brings together the professional and personal aspects of our lives as yoga practitioners, researchers, and women living in bodies within a society that can be tough on body appreciation. Developing this edition on “Yoga for positive embodiment in eating disorder prevention and treatment” has been a work of love for all of us. As yoga practitioners, we have personally experienced the benefits of yoga in our own bodies and felt that there may be benefits for others. As researchers, we are dedicated to the exploration and utilization of evidence-based practices to enhance well-being, promote a positive body image and sense of embodiment, and both prevent and treat eating disorders. Our experiences as yoga practitioners, in conjunction with our curiosity as researchers, led us to explore the extant evidence for yoga as a tool for leading to improvements in body image, disordered eating behaviors, and eating disorders, and to embark on our own research in this area to fill necessary gaps in our knowledge base. Our long-term dedication to the fields of body image and eating disorders, in conjunction with our emerging interest in yoga as a potential tool, led us to the compilation of this edition on yoga and positive embodiment.

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