
:The evidence is clear and substantial. The acute use of alcohol/drugs andinterpersonalaggressionreadilymix.Manydrugsarerelatedtoviolentbehaviorandsomeprovideinsightintopossiblemechanisms.Thelistofdrugsimplicatedisveryinclusiveandifcasereportsareconsidered,evensomeantianxietydrugslist relevant pharmacopia warnings of increased aggression. (Pihl & Sutton,2009, p. 1188)So, the editors have attempted to bring together a number of articles by distinguishedand experienced scientistsworking in this area of investigation that address thisrelationshipfrom various perspectives. Their charge was not only to report some of the best works beingdone but also to point the way toward better avenues of investigation or intervention. Theworks of the authors have more than met the highest expectations of the editors and webelieve that this special issue makes a significant contribution to the field. So well wroughtand comprehensive are the works of the authors that the editors are at a loss as to howto best introduce this special issue for fear of not doing their work justice. However, anintroduction is required, so asking the authors’ indulgence, the editors will make the effort.In their article, “Drug Use and Aggression Readily Mix; So What Now?,” R.O. Pihland Rachael Sutton explore the relationship between substance use and aggression. Theythen focus on what is known about other factors, both sociocultural and individual, thatseem to strengthen the correlation. Using this as their empirical base, they then discussthe possibilities and perils of public policy interventions. They end by exploring individualinterventions that target anger and problems in executive cognitive functioning. In takingthe approach they do, these authors create a theme of translational research, of using whatis empirically known about a problem as the guide to developing effective interventionsthat will run through all the articles in this issue in one form or another.

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