
To participate in sperm–oocyte fusion, spermatozoa need to be motile. In the testes, spermatozoa are immotile, although these gametes acquire the capacity for motility during the transit through the epididymis. During the period of epididymal transport from the male genital tract to the female genital tract, spermatozoa exhibit various types of motility that are regulated by complex signalling and communication mechanisms. Because motility is very dynamic, it can be affected by small changes in the external or internal environment of spermatozoa within a very short time. This indicates that regulatory membrane proteins, known as sperm ion channels, are involved in the regulation of sperm motility. Research results from studies, where there was use of electrophysiological, pharmacological, molecular and knock-out approaches, indicate ion channels are possibly involved in the regulation of sperm membrane polarisation, intracellular pH, motility, energy homeostasis, membrane integrity, capacitation, hyperactivity, acrosome reaction and fertilisation processes. In this review, there is summarisation of the key functions that ion channels have in the regulation, initiation, maintenance, and modulation of sperm motility. In addition, in this review there is highlighting of novel insights about the pathways of ion channels that are activated in spermatozoa while these gametes are located in the oviduct leading to the fertilisation capacity of these cells.

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