
HE RAPIDLY developing field of biophotonics integrates the descriptive and analytical aspects of the life sciences and photonics to register unprecedented achievements in the detection, imaging, identification, kinetics, and manipulation of biological materials. Biophotonics is used in biology to probe formolecular mechanisms,function,andstructure.Inmedicine, biophotonics is used to study tissue and blood at the macroand micro-organism level to detect, diagnose, and treat diseases in ways that are noninvasive or minimally invasive to the body. Applications of biophotonics include using light to image or selectively treat tumors, sequence DNA, and identify single biomolecules within cells. Against this backdrop of science and technology, this issue of the IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS (JSTQE) on Biophotonics features articles covering a range of disciplines that describe advances and revolutionary developments in the field. Manuscripts on the latest research and developments in photonics-driven areas such as: bioimaging, biosensors/assays, contrast agents, multicolor probes, biomolecular mechanisms and function, biomolecular structure, advanced medical devices, biocomputers, optical limiters, and biophotonic and biocompatible materials were solicitedforthisJSTQEissue.ThepaperspublishedinthisJSTQE volumerepresenttheimpactofbiophotonicsonnewunderstanding of fundamental biological processes, innovative approaches to major health issues such as novel methods for medical diagnosis and treatment, and new techniques and technologies to satisfy biorelated national security needs such as the detection of toxic agents and pathogens, and associated countermeasures. This issue’s title changed from the prior “Lasers in Medicine and Biology” to the forward-looking “Biophotonics” and is deemed necessary to more properly characterize the rapid and numerous developments that are taking place at the intersection of the life sciences and photonics. The new name subsumes the previous topical areas of the old designation.

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