
Each chapter concludes with Linkages, Summary, Researching Social Problems on the Internet, and and Review. 1. Approaches to the Study of Social Problems. What Is a Social Problem? Theoretical Perspectives on Social Problems. Research on Social Problems. Future Prospects: Solving Social Problems. 2. Growth of Corporate and Government Power. Types of Economic Systems. The Concentration of Economic and Political Power. Perspectives on the Concentration of Power. Problems Created by the Concentration of Power. 3. Family-Related Problems. The Family in Society. Attitudes Toward Marriage and the Family. Divorce. Emerging Family Lifestyles. Violence in the Family. Constructing Family Problems: Media Images. 4. Health and Illness. Perspectives on Health Care. Health, Illness, and Society. Mental Illness. Problems in Health Care. Bioethics: Technology and Health. Future Prospects. 5. Poverty. The Extent of Poverty. Who Are the Poor? The Causes of Poverty. Future Prospects. 6. Race and Ethnic Relations. Minority Groups. Sources of Prejudice and Discrimination. Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the United States. Future Prospects. 7. Gender and Social Inequality. Men and Women in Society. The Socialization of Men and Women. The Extent of Gender Inequality in the United States. A Global Perspective on Gender Inequality. 8. Age, Sexual Orientation, and Social Inequality. Age, Life Course, and Social Structure. Problems of the Young. Problems of the Elderly. Homosexuality and Homophobia. Future Prospects. 9. Crime and Delinquency. Types of Crime. Who Are the Criminals? The Criminal Justice System. Future Prospects. 10. Alcohol and Other Drugs. Drugs and Their Consequences. The Extent of Drug Abuse in the United States. Explanations of Drug Abuse. Future Prospects. 11. Prostitution, Pornography, and the Sex Trade. Variety in Human Sexuality. Prostitution. Pornography. Perspectives on Sexual Deviance. Future Prospects. 12. Population Growth and Urbanization. Population Growth. The Growth of Cities. Perspectives on Population and Urban Problems. Consequences of World Population Growth. Problems in Cities in the United States. Future Prospects. 13. Environmental Problems. The Ecosystem. Social Resources of Environmental Problems. Perspectives on Environmental Problems. Social Construction of Environmental Problems. Extent of Environmental Problems. Future Prospects. 14. Violence, War, and Terrorism. The Extent of Violence. Explanations of Collective Violence and War. The Consequences of War. Future Prospects. 15. Education, Science, and Technology. Growth of Education and Technology. Perspectives on Education, Science, and Technology. Problems in Education. Problems of Science and Technology. Future Prospects. Glossary. Bibliography. Photo Credits. Name Index. Subject Index.

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