
The famous French playwright Jean Racine was an important model for Andreas Friz. Friz's Analysis tragaediarum Racini takes up the first part of manuscript ms 938, in which also the letter on tragedies is included. It analyses most of Racine's plays: La Thebaide ou Les Freres Ennemis, Alexandre Le Grand, Andromaque, Britannicus, Berenice, Bajazet, Mithridate, Iphigenie, Phedre, Esther and Athalie. Only the comedy Les Plaideurs is missing, which can be explained by the fact that it was a farce, while the others are all tragedies. From Friz's letter on tragedies, his aversion of the genre of the farce is clear. He notes that the character of Aricia was not made up by Racine, but already mentioned by Vergil and several other unnamed authors, among which may have been Giovanni Boccaccio's famous mythological handbook Genealogia Deorum Gentilium.Keywords: Andreas Friz; Genealogia Deorum Gentilium; Giovanni Boccaccio; Jean Racine; Les Plaideurs

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