
Let me start by making an analogy between software engineering and data science. Software engineering may be summarized as the application of engineering principles and methods to the development of software. The aim is to produce a dependable software product. In a similar vein, data science may be described as the application of scientific principles and methods in working with data. The goal is to synthesize reliable and actionable insights from data (sometimes referred as data product). To continue with our analogy, the systems/software development life cycle (SDLC) prescribes the major phases of a software development process: project initiation, requirements engineering, design, construction, testing, deployment, and maintenance. The data science process also encompasses multiple phases: project initiation, data acquisition, data preparation, data analysis, reporting, and execution of actions (another “phase” is data exploration, which is more of an all-embracing activity than a stand-alone phase). As in software development, these phases are quite interwoven, and the process is inherently iterative and incremental. An overarching activity that is indispensable in both software engineering and data science (and any other iterative and incremental endeavor) is retrospection, which involves reviewing a project or process to determine what was successful and what could be improved. Another similarity to software engineering is that data science also relies on a multidimensional team or team of teams. A typical project requires domain experts, software engineers specializing in various technologies, and mathematicians (a single person may take different roles at various times). Yet another common denominator with software engineering is a penchant for automation (via programmability of most activities) to increase productivity, reproducibility, and quality. The aim of this chapter is to explain the key concepts regarding data science and put them into proper context.

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