
Studies in the article, to encourage wider coverage of current issues of agricultural production cooperatives as one of the important legal forms of agricultural production. It was determined that the development of the cooperative movement is an important part of agrarian reforms in rural areas, makes it possible to take into account and meet the interests of each member cooperatives.We consider the shortcomings of legal provisions regarding the use of the mortgage institution. A schematic diagram of forming agricultural land market. Participation of international financial institutions in financing agricultural producers and the activities of credit unions in the area of microcredit.Mortgages are a necessary link in the infrastructure of the organization and functioning of the agricultural sector, the decisive influence which provides the regulatory framework of land reform. An important role in agricultural production credit with the credit unions by which simplifies percent obtain credit, especially for credit support in the form of collateral, reduced transaction costs and loan rate.It is proposed that the development of the credit system of agricultural producers on the security of land and other real estate in Ukraine need to create a specialized financial institution State Land (Mortgage) Bank, which is owned by the monopoly right to conduct transactions with agricultural land being withdrawn in case of non-repayment of credit provided borrower secured by land.It is proved that the problem of agricultural lending in Ukraine need to find alternative sources of funding. Especially important is the development of credit unions whose primary purpose is to improve the socio-economic condition of people who combined for joint problem solving. For this, credit unions have two main functions - to ensure regular saving people and provide loans to its members at relatively low interest rates.

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