
Attempts of intentional introduction of mammals into the territory of Yakutia are analyzed. Within the period between 1930 and 2020 a total of 8 foreign and one native species were introduced. Two foreign species (the muskrat and American mink) naturalized successfully, as well as the sable, a reintroduced species. Naturalization of the musk-ox, which was introduced in 1996, is progressing successfully, and with proper protective measures its abundance can be expected to increase and range to cover the entire tundra zone of Yakutia. Attempts to introduce the Eurasian beaver, raccoon dog, steppe polecat, and domestic yak have failed. Efforts on the introduction of the wood bison continue, but its reproduction rate and specifics of its winter behavior and feeding habits point to certain problems in its adaptation to new climatic conditions. Intentional introduction of foreign species is a potential danger for the ecosystems of the North, especially attempts at reconstruction of paleoufauna by introducing the species typical for paleolandscapes, and not the contemporary fauna of the region. Efforts aimed at "increasing the biodiversity" without a comprehensive biological analysis can lead to disturbance of the balance of the northern ecosystems.

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