
The article presents the results of the performed research of implementing the intercultural communication studies into the future teachers’ professional training. The relevance of the research is proved by the strong need to prepare today’s youth for reaching mutual understanding and avoiding barriers in communication. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the need of introducing the intercultural communication studies into the curriculum of future teachers training for enhancing their intercultural communication competence. The analysis of the structure of the intercultural communication competence is carried out, based on which the content of the intercultural communication course is developed. The research includes three stages. The methods which are applied in the research are theoretical methods for analysing the literature, modelling for substantiating the course content, and interpretive methods for assessing the research results. The article covers the main topics of the course, aimed at gaining culture knowledge and developing intercultural skills, behaviour abilities and attitude. To enhance future teachers’ intercultural competence, two methodological approaches are used: social scientific approach and interpretive methods. The effectiveness of the course is proved through measuring the level of language skills, assessed by Standardised test Cambridge English First, and behaviour abilities, assessed by a number of direct and indirect methods.

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