
SUERC has implemented remote control of routine and experimental NEC spectrometer operations.Through secure tunnelling, a dedicated laptop for each spectrometer can execute parts of the AccelNET (Accelerator NETwork control system) suite and communicate remotely with the underlying database: instrument control pages are accessible and changes to the run list can be effected in the dosimetry manager (DMAN). X-forwarding facilitates the use of the abc data reduction software upon the large remote dataset, allowing the operator to evaluate data quality mid-run, while screen-sharing is employed to provide flexible access options. AccelNET’s read-only html output (formerly the predominate form of remote monitoring) remains accessible for ‘casual’ progress checking by non-operators.While there are limitations to each technology used, these changes to our setup and operating procedures have had positive effects both for operators, and upon the smooth delivery of sample data.

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