
The noncoding sequences in the UTR between the Gene Start signal (GS) and the initial codon AUG from 25 measles virus genomes were compared. The conserved sequences 5′-U(NNNNN)5-8-3′ and 5'-(CNNNNNC)-3′ were found in the genome and the UTR of phosphoprotein (P) and Fusion (F) mRNA. These sequences were named the U-Unit and the C-Unit, respectively. These two sequences are different in the P and F mRNAs.To investigate whether these conserved sequences can be used to regulate expression of foreign proteins in additional transcription units (ATU), a series of minigenomes with various 5′ UTRs were generated.From reporter gene assays and quantitation of gene copies by qPCR, we found that the introduction of the C-unit into the 5′UTR of mRNA can down-regulate the expression of foreign proteins in additional transcription units in vivo.

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