
We introduce and allosteric property of enzymes on biological membranes to create a new electronic signal transmission system. In the allosteric enzymes, sequential binding of substrates, activators, and inhibitors induces molecular conformational changes in subunits of the inactive allosteric enzymes. By this binding, the enzyme is partially activated. Successive binding of the substrates accelerates the structural change in the subunits and activates the enzyme progressively. Based on reported biological experimental data, we expressed the complicated activation and inactivation processes of the allosteric enzyme reaction system by 20 rate equations. We proposed a time-minimum optimal control strategy for the allosteric reaction system as a dominating principle. This is because the biochemical, signals have to be transmitted as quickly as possible to achieve their purpose, particularly for life-saving defense, reactions to harmful exogenous disturbances. The present mathematical model describes the complicated sequential, information transmission processes of the biochemical reactions. We can show that the allosteric effect had a marked influence on species conversion. With the increases in allosteric parameters, the concentrations of all species changed more rapidly and in larger amounts than they did at the standard allosteric parameter values. This meant that increasing the allosteric activity of the subunit accelerates the reactions and enhances the reactive production. Hence, the allosteric property is important for high-speed, extensive signal transmission among the components that constitute a complicated network circuit. This property, when it is linked with the time-optimal controller, will create a new signal transmission device.

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