
The article presents the results of long-term research on the genus Clematis (Clematis L.) in the Stavropol Botanical garden. Biological, morphological and ornamental characteristics of varieties are provided; recommendations on selection of assortment and application in vertical gardening are given. For the first time, in the soil-climatic conditions of the Stavropol upland, an introduction study of 29 clematis varieties from six garden groups was conducted. According to the results of a comprehensive assessment, the most stable and highly decorative varieties were selected. In-depth study, parameters that have a significant value in the analysis of ornamental and economic-valuable qualities of varieties were revealed. In the course of research, when evaluating ornamental features, much attention was paid to the shape of the perianth, the size and color of the flowers. It was found that 24 varieties have an open flower shape, and five varieties have a bell – shaped one. The number of sepals varies from 4 to 6-8. In the presented garden groups, 27 varieties have a simple perianth, two with terry flowers. The size of the flower is divided into large-flowered, with a flower size of more than 10 cm and medium-flowered-from 4-10 cm. The color is varied, with many shades, from white-pink-red to blue-purple. When evaluating the prospects of the variety, special attention is paid to the duration and productivity of flowering. Varieties of the Lanuginosa and Patens groups bloom profusely in MayJune on shoots of the previous year and in July-September on annual shoots. In the groups Viticella, Jackmanii, Integrifolia and Texensis, abundant and prolonged flowering occurs on the shoots of the current year. Life forms determine not only the appearance of plants, but also are a criterion for use in garden and Park construction. Varieties of the Integrifolia group are preferably used for decorating low objects. For vertical gardening of structures with a height of more than three meters and as single and group planting varieties of garden groups are recommended Jackmanii, Lanuginosa, Patens, Viticella. The studied assortment, which has a complex of valuable ornamental and economic-biological features, is recommended for use in ornamental gardening and landscaping in the Stavropol territory.

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