
The Discrete Ordered Median Problem (DOMP) unifies discrete facility location problems in the sense that classical location problems, such as the N-median, N-centre and Uncapacitated Facility Location problems, are particular cases of the DOMP. In addition, new location problems, which are interesting from a practical point of view (e.g. the k 1 + k 2 trimmed mean problem, see Section 2.1.1), can be formulated as special cases of the DOMP. Therefore, the study of the DOMP is interesting not only from a theoretical point of view (unification of discrete facility location problems) but also from a practical one (possibility to formulate new interesting problems).KeywordsLocation ProblemVariable Neighbourhood SearchFacility Location ProblemSupply Chain PlanningUncapacitated Facility LocationThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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