
The judges for the 2020 Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in the Practice of Advanced Analytics and Operations Research selected the five finalist papers featured in this special issue of the INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (IJAA). The prestigious Wagner Prize—awarded for achievement in implemented operations research, management science, and advanced analytics—emphasizes the quality and originality of mathematical models along with clarity of written and oral exposition. This year’s winning application is a system for optimally managing Dow Agrosciences’ (now Corteva) seed corn portfolio, which includes seeds for several hundred varieties of corn and is valued at more than $1 billion. The model employs Bayesian analytic methods to estimate crop yields from expert judgement. Stochastic optimization is then used to determine backup production in South America while dealing with yield uncertainty in North America. The remaining four papers include an efficient mixed-integer program used by Birchbox to determine individualized subscriber product sets; a scheduling system for Argentina’s premier soccer league; an incentive system for encouraging Lyft drivers to reposition to provide improved service; and a system for optimizing the electric bus network design in Rotterdam.

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