
With this issue of Trends in Molecular Medicine we launch a new article series, Viewpoints, which aims to unite in one piece the unique perspectives from molecular science and medical practice on a recent advancement. In this article type, authors discuss exciting new developments such as recently published clinical trials, a regulatory approval of new therapeutics, or a groundbreaking foundational discovery that are of interest to a broad audience. Viewpoints features two authors or two author groups that present distinct perspectives on the same topic, one being 'The molecular perspective’ and the other ‘The medical perspective’, with around 800 words each. Authors provide additional insight on the topic beyond the content of the recent publications and highlight broader implications for the field. Talking points include reflections and new insights on long-standing questions and debates, general analyses of common scientific or medical practices, or interpretations that encourage further research in the field. Authors may also discuss the relevance to the current paradigms and trends in the field as well as outstanding challenges and limitations that remain. The perspectives are written with a very personal angle, and as such are not peer reviewed to provide an opportunity for researchers to express their views. The first Viewpoints on faricimab – which recently gained regulatory approval for treatment of leading causes of vision loss – is an excellent example of different perspectives on a therapeutic strategy that made the jump from molecular investigation to approved medicine. Faricimab is the first dual blocking antibody that targets two distinct endothelial cell growth factors, vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) and angiopoietin-2 (Angpt2). Koh, Augustin and Campochiaro provide their views on how mechanistic studies were translated into targeted therapies in recent clinical trials for neovascular age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular edema. Already more than a decade ago, a single inhibitor targeting both VEGF-A and Angpt2 was reported to show greater antiangiogenic effects than single blockade of either VEGF-A or Angpt2 alone in preclinical research. Koh and Augustin reflect on the backstory and how molecular science was translated to clinical trials. The findings were initially translated into oncology research where they did not yet prove superior to other treatment regarding tumor growth. The dual blocking antibody strategy was then translated from oncology to ophthalmology research, where it recently proved superior to standard of care in clinical trials. While, for some, the FDA approval might seem like the end point of the translation series, Campochiaro alludes to it being only the start. Next is the need to translate clinical trial results into practice; that is, ensuring that faricimab actually reaches the patients for whom it is indicated, is used appropriately, and demonstrates its value in the health care system. The story of faricimab is thus a prime example of the 'bench to bedside' idea. We are witnessing translation of knowledge about angiogenesis from findings at the laboratory bench to clinical observations at the bedside and using combined knowledge to develop clinical applications. Thus, I am excited to be featuring this development in this first Viewpoints article. The idea for this article type originated from a discussion I had with one of our readers, Rameen Shakur, about ways in which the journal could bring molecular or cell biologists and clinical researchers together to examine a recent development of common interest. After discussing ideas and possibilities further with colleagues, and the Trends in Molecular Medicine Advisory Board, I am excited to launch this series and am looking forward to covering future milestones of molecular medicine in this new format. We welcome suggestions for this new Viewpoints article series and encourage submission of a brief (one page) outline to [email protected] , detailing the rationale for discussing a given topic from a preclinical and clinical perspective, and the proposed authors. However, this editorial is not only about introducing a new article type, it is also a testament to the value of connecting with TMM readers, and hearing what you would love to see more of in the journal. As always, I am happy to hear from our readers and welcome any comments at [email protected] or @TrendsMolecMed on twitter. Viewpoints: Dual-blocking antibody against VEGF-A and angiopoietin-2 for treating vascular diseases of the eyeKoh et al.Trends in Molecular MedicineApril 5, 2022In BriefFaricimab, a bispecific antibody that targets the endothelial cell growth factors vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) and angiopoietin-2 (Angpt2), was recently approved for treating neovascular age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular edema. Here, Koh and Augustin review how mechanistic studies have translated into therapies, while Campochiaro evaluates their impact and value for clinical practice. Full-Text PDF

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