
The article analyzes the phenomenon of spirituality in higher education pedagogy and highlights the results of introducing spiritual-oriented pedagogy into the educational process in foreign institutions. Spirituality has a huge impact on inner self-knowledge, because by studying oneself, one can open from different sides. The task of spiritual pedagogy is undoubtedly the analysis of the students' internal state. After trying out a course of spiritual-oriented pedagogy, some students have become the target of spiritual instruction, have noted that no dramatic changes have occurred in their lives. Other students, on the other hand, were surprised by the number of changes that began to manifest after the introduction of spiritual pedagogy. They emphasized that they have increased the ability to focus during lectures, have the patience and peace of mind for dealing with stressful situations and people, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing have become integral and enjoy the learning process, ecology and the environment became an important issue in the range of environmental problems, and the most important thing was that the brain began to filter thoughts and abstract from «empty» and useless ideas.
 Students noted that they could not get full access to their own creative ideas in the course of spiritual pedagogy, and after meditations it became possible. Spiritual pedagogy has become a unique valuable experience for most of them, as it has enabled them not only to acquire knowledge but also to acquire wisdom. The students described the learning process as «freeing the mind from captivity», as an opportunity to feel a greater sense of interest in learning, because the «static» course, in their mind, impeded the full absorption of the material. The course of spiritual pedagogy has become, for many, the most important "panacea" for internal problems. Students began to learn, that led to an incredible result: concentration of attention through practice to activate mindfulness, the ability to be patient, the ability to get rid of wrong thoughts, to get rid of stereotypes and conventional but not completely important canons.
 Therefore, spiritual pedagogical theory in the Western world has attracted the attention of educators and researchers. This theory seeks to realize values that arose from religion and culture in pedagogical practice in educational institutions. Knowledge becomes clearer, and the motivation and control of teachers in their work emerges in a new sense. Not only teachers work to fulfill their duties or team responsibilities, they also work to achieve something more valuable, noble and useful than just material or worldly goals.


  • Що навчання – процес не вічний, а ось пізнання самого себе триває до кінця життя, тому дуже важливо розуміти власний внутрішній світ, аналізувати вчинки, втілювати добрі дії та світлі думки у життя

  • Відтак духовно-орієнтована педагогіка узагальнює загальнолюдський досвід, отже, у мультикультурному середовище має благодатний грунт для подальшого розвитку

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Впровадження духовно-орієнтованої педагогіки у навчальний процес у зарубіжних закладах вищої освіти: досвід англомовного суспільства У статті проаналізувано явище духовності у педагогіці вищої школи та виділені результати впровадження духовно-орієнтованої педагогіки у навчальний процес у зарубіжних закладах. Ключові слова: духовність, духовно-орієнтована педагогіка, аспекти навчання, соціальна справедливість, ліберальна освіта.

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