
A new declarative programming paradigm, constraint functional logic programming (CFLP) is presented, which unifies systematically all features of constraint, functional and logic programming. CFLP extends constraint functional programming (CFP), which supports equation solving over a functional program, to general constraint programming permitting the use of constraints for programming as well as for posing queries. It also generalises constraint logic programming (CLP), by admitting user-defined functions as a purely functional subsystem of a CLP language. This paper presents the motivation for designing CFLP and its semantics. Programming examples are given in the concrete CFLP language Falcon.KeywordsLogic ProgramLogic ProgrammingConstraint ProgrammingConstraint SystemFunctional ProgrammingThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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