
AbstractWith the paradigm of aspect orientation, a developer is able to separate the code of so-called cross-cutting concerns from the rest of the program logic. This possibility is useful for formal specifications, too. For example, security aspects can be separated from the rest of the specification. Another use case for aspect orientation in specifications is the extension of specifications without touching the original ones. The definition of formal semantics for UML profiles without changing the original UML specification is an example for this application. This paper describes the implementation of the aspect oriented approach in Abstract State Machines. We introduce an aspect language with its syntax and formal semantics. It allows for specifying pointcuts where an original specification is augmented with aspect specification. Besides the general overview of this language extension, some ASM specific features of the realization are depicted in detail.KeywordsFormal SemanticGround ModelRule MatchExpression TreeAutomate Teller MachineThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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