
Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom. Ancient Greeks would visit her temple in Athens to seek answers to their most troubling issues. Modern times are no less complicated, and lacking pilgrimage to a temple as an option, we turn to other sources for advice. This may mean a friend, a therapist, or perhaps… an advice column. Science Editor is pleased to introduce Ask Athena, an advice column where you can bring your most challenging questions. Have a problem managing staff? Ask Athena! Struggling with your own performance rut? Ask Athena! Need ideas to make your publication the best it can be? Athena can help with that too. This column will address all questions related to publishing, whether they be about internal office issues or external journal wide challenges. So bring us your questions. Let Science Editor be your temple of wisdom. All questions can remain anonymous, so you need not reveal your identity for sensitive issues. Submit your questions to scienceeditor@councilscienceeditors.org. We will attempt to answer them as quickly as we can, and post answers online ahead of print so that time sensitive questions are not delayed. Ask Athena: How can I improve publication speed at my journal? Dear Athena, How can my journal improve its turnaround time: from date of submission to print and online publication? Our current process takes about 12–15 months. Once a manuscript has been provisionally accepted following peer review, a scientific editor will substantively edit the manuscript and review with the author, a copy […]

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