
Al-Farabi categorized cities, the smallest scale of a political association, into four types: the virtuous city, the ignorant city, the wicked city, the diverted city, and the erring city. Al-Farabi terminology indicates that morality is the red-line that differs the nature of each city, although there is no straightforward statement in his treaties. Despite many admirations by later philosophers on Al-Farabi’s political philosophy, his concept is still considered a utopia. Also, it seems that no historical account mentioned any (Islamic) empire, applying Al-Farabi’s ideas on politics. Even Ibn Khaldun criticized Al-Farabi’s concept based on the pragmatic perspective of civilization. However, this fact does not imply the irrelevancy of Al-Farabi’s politics in the practical realm. The question is only regarding what extent Al-Farabi ideas work with politics, particularly modern politics? This study aims to correlate Al-Farabi ideal concept and modern politics. The methodology of this research is qualitative conceptual analysis since the two variables are in the theoretical realm. It can be concluded that Politics in Al-Farabi’s notion strongly connected with Ethics and Morality rather than Authority. An ideal state can actualize through the collective consciousness of true felicity, by which the type of cities is divided. Although Al-Farabi’s political philosophy is quite unapplicable, particularly in the modern age, its role as the highest political principles is undeniable. The essential aspect of Al-Farabi’s political employment in the modern era is his fundamental idea, i.e., ethical society. Establishing an ethical state is more critical than Al-Farabi’s political application entirely.

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