
We are excited to share the promise and innovation of Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare (SBNH) Leadership (SBNH-L). As a mindset, SBNH-L is more than a management philosophy. It is an intentional and purposeful value-driven approach that puts humans at the forefront and helps leaders honour, mobilize and cultivate the strengths that reside in individuals and teams. SBNH leaders focus on people, systems and solutions, cultivating relationships and being transformative in the service of others and the system at large. An SBNH leader is one who leans into change with an open mindset, who thinks about the ecosystems we are in and who acts to make a positive difference and address challenges across the healthcare sector as we emerge from the pandemic period. What we need right now is authentic leadership to foster positive change, influence work environments and support much-needed recovery and healing. In short, this issue of the Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership has arrived at the right time. You will find articles that offer valuable exemplars of how SBNH-L has guided advancements in nursing administration and leadership, practice, teaching and research.

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