
The demonstration of the laser five years ago has had a remarkable effect on electronics and optics. The laser is different from many previous developments in that it provides somethingt hat had been completely unavailable: coherent light at significant power levels. The maser, although a novel concept, merely represented an improvement iri the wellexplored field of coherent microwaves, and could be applied immediately. The application of the laser, on the other hand, awaits further developments in many related fields. Mter five years of intense activity, it is still not clear where the major applications of the laser will be. We have collected in this issue a series of papers that describe the state-of-the-art of various types of lasers. Two other papers review the broad applications areas of communications and computers. Gaussian beams and resonators, solid-state and electron tube detectors, and nonlinear optical effects are discussed in other articles. The remaining papers deal with some of the methods being considered for light modulation and beam deflection. The coverage is by no means complete and, for one reason or another, we have decided to leave out such relevant topics as holography, metrology, machining, welding, noise and communication theory, and scientific, medical, military, and space applications.

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