
The difficulty of facial expression recognition in autistic children mainly includes the inability to accurately understand the emotions and intentions of others, and shows the lack of facial expression response in social interaction. This defect has caused problems with their adaptation and understanding of others in social communication. Multiple hypotheses have been proposed about the intrinsic mechanism of facial expression recognition defects in children with autism. Children with autism may lack the development of psychological theory, causing them to correctly interpret and understand facial expressions with emotional[1]. Neurobiological factors may influence the areas of facial expression processing in the brain of autistic children, leading to their abnormalities in the transmission of neural circuits. In addition, children with autism may have abnormalities in brain function, making it difficult for them to effectively process and interpret information about facial expressions. Therefore, it is very important to further investigate the intrinsic mechanism of facial expression recognition defects in autistic children and the development of related treatments, which can help to improve the social communication ability and improve their quality of life of autistic children.

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