
Spin qubits are at the heart of technological advances in quantum processors and offer an excellent framework for quantum information processing. This work characterizes the time evolution of coherence and nonclassical correlations in a two-spin XXZ Heisenberg model, from which a two-qubit system is realized. We study the effects of intrinsic decoherence on coherence (correlated coherence) and nonclassical correlations (quantum discord), taking into consideration the combined impact of an external magnetic field, Dzyaloshinsky–Moriya (DM) and Kaplan–Shekhtman–Entin–Wohlman–Aharony (KSEA) interactions. To fully understand the effects of intrinsic decoherence, two extended Werner-like (EWL) states were considered in this work. The findings indicate that intrinsic decoherence leads to a decay in the quantum coherence and quantum correlations and that their behavior depends strongly on the initial EWL state parameters. Likewise, we found that the robustness of correlated coherence and quantum discord can be controlled through an appropriate choice of the initial state. These findings give us insights into engineering a quantum system to achieve quantum advantages.

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