
This study examined changes in gastric motility after interruption of the intramural nervous circuitry from the proximal portion of the stomach to the antrum by a circumferential gastric myotomy. Seven extraluminal strain gauge force transducers and five platinum electrodes were implanted along the antropyloroduodenal region, and gastric emptying was studied by X-ray after a 280-g solid meat meal mixed with barium. The motility index increased aboral to the myotomy by 106 and 69% in the distal antrum and pylorus, respectively, in the first postprandial 30-60 min because of the loss of an inhibitory neural influence from the proximal part of the stomach. Destabilization of the basic electrical rhythm occurred in 50% of the dogs. This was apparent as tachyarrhythmia or bradyarrhythmia and an early postprandial 2-11% decrease in slow-wave frequency and a 100% increase in slow-wave amplitude. Coordination of corporoantropyloric contractions was disorganized. Frequent segmenting and antidromic contractions were associated with reduced periods of optimal emptying and disturbed intragastric chyme transport into the constricted antrum. A 10-30% gastric emptying delay of approximately 50 min was a consequence of myotomy despite an increased antroduodenal motor gradient after myotomy. The overall results suggest that intact intramural innervation and muscular continuity are essential for coordination of corporoantropyloric motility and normal gastric emptying.

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