
In deep-underground experiments, intrinsic detector background can exceed the external one, limiting the detection sensitivity. Intrinsic background in liquid scintillator neutron detectors consists of α particles emitted from radioactive impurities in the detector housing (and possibly in the liquid). We present the results of long background measurements of 12 EJ-309 liquid organic scintillators detectors in the deep-underground Gran Sasso National Laboratory of the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics. These detectors are a part of the detection array for the SHADES ERC project that aims to measure the very low cross section (down to picobarn) of the astrophysically important reaction 22Ne(α,n)25Mg. With an exposure of ∼35 days we identify an actinide concentration in the detector housing of 8.4(1.8)sta(1.4)sys×10−2ppm and 1.62(0.57)sta(0.03)sys×10−1ppm of 238U and 232Th, resulting in 64 α particle counts per hour. The half-life of 214Po was also determined as 163.7(11)μs.

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