
The intrinsic magnetic moment (IMM) and intrinsic angular momentum (IAM) of a chiral superconductor with $p$-wave symmetry on a two-dimensional square lattice are discussed on the basis of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation. The the IMM and IAM are shown to be on the order of $\mu_{\rm B}N$ and $\hbar N$, respectively, $N$ being the total number of particles, without an extra factor $(T_{\rm c}/T_{\rm F})^{\gamma}$ ($\gamma=1,2$), and parallel to the pair angular momentum. They arise from the current in the surface layer with a width on the order of the coherence length $\xi_{0}$, the size of Cooper pairs. However, in a single-band model, they are considerably canceled by the contribution from the Meissner surface current in a layer with the width of the penetration depth $\lambda$, making it difficult to observe them experimentally. In the case of multi-band metals with both electron-like and hole-like bands, however, considerable cancellation still occurs for the IMM but not for the IAM, making it possible to observe the IAM selectively because the effect of the Meissner current becomes less important. As an example of a multi-band metal, the case of the spin-triplet chiral superconductor Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ is discussed and experiments for observing the IAM are proposed.

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