
Metritis is a uterine disorder common in dairy cattle caused by bacterial infection, with greater incidence in the early postpartum period. The disease causes delayed uterine involution, with a fetid, watery, red-brown discharge, with animals presenting different clinical signs including fever, dullness, inappetence, decreased milk yield, and dehydration. We developed an in vivo model of clinical metritis in Holstein multiparous cows using a pathogenic cocktail of Escherichia coli, Fusobacterium necrophorum, and Trueperella pyogenes. A total of 36 multiparous cows were randomly allocated to 1 of 3 treatment groups of 12 animals each. Cows assigned to the control group received an intrauterine administration of sterile saline solution, those in the low-dose group received a bacterial inoculum containing 106 cfu of Escherichia coli, Trueperella pyogenes, and Fusobacterium necrophorum; and those in the high-dose group received 109 cfu of these same organisms, all within 24 h of parturition. Clinical signs; milk yield; dry matter intake; serum concentration of acute phase proteins, metabolites, and cytokines; and bacterial counts in vaginal discharge were measured from parturition until 14 d in milk. Based on clinical signs, cows in the low-dose group had a greater incidence of metritis (83.3%) compared with the control (9%) or high-dose (25%) group. The low-dose group also had lesser dry matter intake compared with controls and an acute phase protein profile that typified metritis. The low-dose group presented greater relative abundance of bacteria from the genus Fusobacterium in the vaginal discharge compared with control cows, and the high-dose group was similar to the control group. Unexpectedly, intrauterine infusion of cows with a lower dose of bacteria was more effective than a higher dose, indicating that the bacterial load may affect metritis incidence in a nonlinear manner. These findings demonstrate that clinical metritis can be experimentally induced in postpartum multiparous Holstein cows, creating a relevant model for the study of uterine diseases.

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